Topic outline

  • Capel Manor Student Handbook 2024/2025

  • Century Tech Initial Assessment Link


  • Password Reset Tool

  • Student Policies

  • College Student Governors

    "023-2024 Student Governors  

    Student Governors for 2024-25 - To be confirmed 

    Please view this video for more information on the benefits of becoming a Student Governor: 


    Student Governors- Attends  Academic Committee, Academic Board, Estates Committee and Full Governing Body and training events.

    Reserve Student Governors - Attends training events, automatically invited to step-up as Student Governor at next available opportunity.

  • College Branded Clothing

    Details for ordering your College branded clothing can be found here:
  • Learning Resources Centre (LRC)

    Find information about Capel Manor's LRCs, e-books, databases for research and use the catalogue to search for books. Our information skills course will help you with research and referencing and our study skills course will provide support to help you get organised, revise and with write your assignments.

  • Staying COVID-Secure