To maintain garden - back garden and small borders at front garden (on car drive).
I live in Gordon Hill area (4-minute walk from Gordon Hill station) and 9 minutes drive to Capel Manor College Gardens.
Rosie: rosie_london@hotmail.co.uk Mobile: 0795 808 7375 I have never had a garden before, so this is new and exciting and I’m looking for someone who knows about trees and plants to help me maintain what is already here and maybe I might learn about my garden a bit?
A long patio (13.5 x 26 ft approx.) leads to a small lawn and some small trees on right. Silver Birch, fruit tree and other.
Trees from the neighbour’s garden on left are larger and need cutting back, maintaining.
Large Yew tree behind the shed. Ivy/’living fence’(?) needs cutting, maintaining. Borders of lawn need weeding, maintaining also.