Apprentice and Trainee Discovery Day
Green Spaces and Wild Places
Creating and managing Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
Thursday 14 October 2021, 9.30am to 4pm
Join us at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park for our Green Spaces and Wild Places apprentice and trainee discovery day! Learn how an industrial part of London was transformed into the 2012 Olympic Park and how it is managed today, including its maintenance, horticultural excellence, sports and play provision and wildlife conservation.
Apprentices and trainees will have the chance to meet each other and discover places and topics they may not encounter day-to-day but which are related to their chosen career in horticulture. Attendees will hear from experts in the field, get a behind-the-scenes tour of London Stadium, be able to access a careers springboard and networking lunch, receive a guided tour of the Olympic Park gardens and landscapes and have the opportunity to learn about the heritage craft of hedge-laying.
This event is a joint initiative between the Royal Parks Guild and the London Legacy Corporation in partnership with The Tree Council and its Close the Gap* national hedgerow planting and restoration programme. The day is free of charge and open to apprentices and trainees working in all aspects of horticulture. Refreshments and a packed lunch will be provided. Please note that we will be following government guidance in relation to Covid-19.
If you are interested in attending please fill in this online registration form by 5 October. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. For further information please contact Mike Fitt at
*Close the Gap is funded by the Government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund. The fund is delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England and the Environment Agency.