Topic outline

  • Deaf Awareness week is to increase public awareness of Deaf issues, people, and culture. The week focuses on promoting the positive aspects of deafness, encouraging social inclusion, and raising awareness of the organizations locally, nationally and globally that support those who are deaf

    We can all help make Capel a Deaf Friendly Space here are some tips for being more Deaf aware: 

    • Face the person while you are speaking, don’t turn away
    • Repeat yourself if necessary
    • Keep your mouth visible
    • Don’t speak too quickly or too slowly
    • Speak one at a time, don’t talk over each other
    • Write it down or draw a picture
    • Reduce background noise or find a quiet environment
    • Use simple gestures to communicate; point or even demonstrate
    • Learn some basic BSL
    • Be patient – if the person doesn’t understand you, don’t give up!

    We celebrate and honour different identities within our communities. At NDC, we recognize that everyone has different experiences and journeys. This is reflected in the data, resources, and work we create and share. Whenever possible, we highlight differences by gender, disability, race, and ethnicity in our data reports and resources. In recognizing these differences, we support all paths towards #DeafSuccess

    Colleagues from across the National Deaf Children's Society, both hearing and deaf, tell us what their deaf awareness tips are when working with deaf colleagues! Want to learn more, watch this video: 

     Head over to their website here for details 

    More information about deaf awareness:

    Enfield work shop: We will be holding a work shop run by our lovely Dog Grooming Student Lily and her equally lovely interpreter Nicky, they will talk to us about Deaf culture, teaching the group some skills to communicate successfully with Deaf people.  Also teaching some basic BSL to the group. Did you notice the capital D - Deaf culture often says to use a capital D in Deaf to promote being proud of being Deaf and their identity. Please join this interactive workshop, helping to make the college a Deaf Friendly space.

     Please email: if you would like to join. 

    Because of May Bank holidays this will take place at Enfield on Monday 15th of May: 9:30 – 11:30 book early – there will be cake!

    Workshops are also going on at Gunnersbury Park - please speak to Sophie Patel to find out more. 

  • We need you, more than ever, to join us in supporting the 700,000 autistic people in the UK, this event raises awareness of the ambitious plans to transform our society into one that truly works for autistic people.

    THE MOONSHOT VISION – Valuing autistic individuals

    During 2022, autistic people and their families worked alongside the National Autistic Society to create a vision of a society that works for them – a vision launched this week in our ground-breaking Moonshot report. Throughout the week, we’re taking a closer look at each of the “Future Realities” – the five things autistic people told us would together make up a society that truly works for them. 

    We’ll know that society works for autistic people and their families when it:

    • Values autistic individuals
    • Maximises autistic power
    • Guarantees support
    • Adapts public spaces and services
    • Is free from discrimination

    A society that values autistic individuals understands and appreciates what autism is and how it is unique to each individual.

    To truly value autistic individuals, society must recognise the depth of uniqueness to everyone’s experiences of life. This also means acknowledging that many factors can impact on an autistic person’s life, including other prejudices, biases and traumas. Society must also appreciate that there is no “one size fits all” approach for autism and that every autistic person will have an individual profile of their sensory differences, needs to be met, strengths and challenges.

    Public understanding and attitudes are at the heart of this – and it is these, not autistic people, that need to change. 


    Watch this video busting some myths around outdated myths about autism, told by @autismfromtheInside a you tube channel run by Paul Micallef who was diagnosed at at 30 years old. He says: Autism affects many (if not all!) aspects of our lives, so on this channel, I want to show you what Autism looks like in real people and give you some insight into what's happening for us on the inside. We'll break down myths and misconceptions, discuss how to embrace autism and live well, and share what it's like to be an autistic person.


  • National Stress Awareness Day is an important day

    Stress and poor mental health are one of the biggest public health challenges that we’re facing. Sadly, even though that is the case, we are still not taking its impact seriously enough. We continue to separate mental health from physical health and vice versa.

    The reality is they cannot be separate – they are two sides of the same coin. There is no health without mental health and stress can lead to numerous health problems. From physical problems, like heart disease, insomnia, digestive issues, immune system challenges, etc to more serious mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

    Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992 to raise awareness of the causes and cures for our modern-day stress epidemic. It is the time when we have an opportunity for an open conversation on the impact of stress. Dedicated time to removing the guilt, shame, and stigma around mental health. To talk about stress, and its effects and open up about our mental and emotional state with friends, families, colleagues. 

    Find out More here:

    Take the 30 day challenge

    It takes 30 days to turn actions into habits, which is why this is a month-long programme.  The 30-day challenge will maximise your chances of turning useful stress busting knowledge and techniques into positive behavioural change that will help you elevate stress and don't worry it only takes a small amount of time each day, but can make a life time of difference: 

    Use these 6 points to make a start, remember, no stress, different things work for different people so, be prepared to be kind to yourself, no judgment, just try these different ideas, and find the ones that work for you. 
    Check here for more resources: ;

    A Word on Mindfulness 
    You may have heard this phrase lots over the last few years, or seen it in magazines, its the state of being that allows you to practicing being in the moment. Make a point of being aware of your surroundings, for example of the birds singing in the tress or the colour of the leaves as you walk down the street. 

    Did you know however, its more than just a state and philosophy, it can be backed up by neuroscience research, which showed that mindfulness practices dampen activity in our amygdala and increase the connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Both of these parts of the brain help us to be less reactive to stressors and to recover better from stress when we experience it. So get practicing it literally help your brain to be calmer!

    Check out these sites and apps designed to help us to manage stress:

    :-) Mindfulness for teens:

    :-)Smiling MindSmiling Mind is a mindfulness meditation smartphone app to experience, for both adults and kids. With soothing colours and a simple, modern design, Smiling Mind is enjoyable to use and very intuitive. The app can be downloaded for free, and then getting started is as simple as registering and choosing your age preference. Each age group is given a set of guided meditations designed to bring users from a beginning level to a ‘mindful master’ level over time. ;

    :-) Headspace

    Headspace, conceived by meditation teacher Andy Puddicombe, coins itself as ‘a gym membership for the mind.’ Users can start out with a free 10-day mindfulness meditation program known as ‘Take 10,’ and then begin a paid subscription if interested in more content. This app focuses on training the brain through a selection of special series meditations in areas such as health, relationships and performance:

    :-) Calm

    Calm is a simple smartphone app that teaches mindfulness and makes it easy to follow a daily meditation practice. The app can be downloaded for free with plenty of content.

     Stop, Breathe & Think

    Mindfulness is all about being present and aware in each moment. What better way to instil this concept than to Stop, Breathe & Think? This wonderful mindfulness app makes it easy to take a daily pause in your day to check in with yourself, and through regular practice, you can broaden perspective and ‘create your own personal force field of calm and peace.’

    Video about connecting with Mindfulness:  
    Stress Awareness, lets talk about it: