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Capel Manor College recognises the statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all its’ students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where staff, students, visitors and volunteers are respected and valued. As part of this commitment we follow our procedures and policies to ensure that students receive effective support to thrive, achieve and reach their full potential whilst studying at Capel Manor college . Our Child and Adult at Risk policy forms part of our safeguarding responsibilities and we expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share in this commitment.

Child and Adults at Risk Protection

Our Safeguarding Policy and related policies and guidance can be viewed on our website. All staff, volunteers  and visitors must ensure that they are aware of these policies and procedures. All staff receive safeguarding training at induction and receive updates as required. Annual training is provided to ensure they have the relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children and vulnerable adults effectively. A fully qualified safeguarding team led by a Designated Safeguarding Lead, oversees all aspects of safeguarding and student welfare in accordance with statutory guidance and legislation.

All staff are required to undergo Safeguarding Training and Students are also supported to complete a safeguarding course helping them to spot the signs and symptoms around safeguarding concerns as well as knowing where to go to for help and support.


The Government’s Counter Terrorism & Security Act 2015 (CTSA) creates a statutory duty for specified public authorities to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism, radicalisation or extremism .

Government guidance requires that Colleges have in place appropriate training for staff, welfare and pastoral care for students, as well as policies and procedures regarding IT usage. It also makes clear that the approach to Prevent should be reasonable and proportionate.

The College’s approach to Prevent is primarily one of safeguarding the welfare of our students and staff. Protection from the risk of extremism and radicalisation forms part of this safeguarding duty. We also balance the duty against our commitment to freedom of speech and other key legislation.

Equality, diversity and Inclusion, British Values and preparing for life in modern Britain are embedded into all aspects of College life and students have access to personal development, health and social education through their tutorial programme, this supports our students to be independent, resilient and robust and gives them a better understanding of the world around them.

Partnership Working

The College has excellent community links across London, working with the Police, Social Care Services as well as Mental Health Support Services to help safeguard our students.

Safeguarding Team:

  • Director for Student Services & DSL : Ellen Luke-McDonald
  • Interim Director of Student Services & DSL  Amanda Evans: 
  • Well being Manager &  DSL: Cynthia Amos
  • Mentor: Caroline Howard
  • Support Co-ordinator: Jo Lam
  • Counsellor: Luiza Negura
  • Mentor: Jaimie Squillino
  • Counsellor: Nichola Williams
  • Mentor: Tracey Gordon
  • Centre Manager: Andrew Jackson
  • Mentor: Rochelle Arathoon
  • Mentor: Oliver Tatchell

How to Report / Raise a Safeguarding Concern  

  Click the most convenient method 


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Contact any of our Designated Safeguarding Officer
Safeguarding individuals
Please telephone the Safeguarding Helpline
Mobile phone Safeguarding
Complete a Concern Online Form
Online Reporting Form

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